Where Did People Live?

Concept Explanation

Where Did People Live?

Where did people live? People have lived along the banks of Narmada River for several hundred thousand years. Some of the earliest people who lived here were skilled gatherers, that is, people who gathered their food. They knew about the vast wealth of plants in the surrounding forests, and collected roots, fruits and other forest produce for their food. They also hunted animals.

The skills and Knowledge needed in hunter gatherer communities were:

  • There were several animals that ran fast so their need was to run faster.
  • To hunt animals or to catch fish and birds,people needed to be alert ,quick and have a good presence of mind.
  • To collect plant produce ,they needed to find out which plants or parts of plants were edible (that can be  eaten) as many plants on their parts were poisonous.
  • They needed to know the seasons when the fruits would ripen.
  • They needed the skills and knowledge to make weapons and arms for hunting animals easily.
  • They needed the skills to use their weapons effectively.

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